Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Chris Hadfield at the library!

  I thought it would be a great idea to take my son and daughter to the library to meet Chris Hadfield!  I have been showing my son youtube videos of Chris Hadfield in space and playing his guitar.  I showed him a youtube video of Chris singing along with the barenaked ladies.  My son knew him more as the musician other than the astronaut...well, yesterday my son was going to meet him!

However, when we got to the library it was packed with people.  It was at the Milton library and it is a small place.  We were shoulder to shoulder.  There were long lineups and huge waiting times.  That took some of the fun out of it for my son.  I could see in his eyes that he was starting to fade.  I promised him ice cream afterwards for all the standing and waiting we had to do.  But, was it worth it!!!!Yes!

First, in the library, he was introduced and then he gave a speech, which was perhaps one of the best speeches I have heard.  I will paraphrase since I can not remember the exact wording.  But, he started out by saying that he always found the question as a kid: what do you want to be when you grow up? kind of silly.  He found it silly because, at the age of 5 and up, you don't even know what jobs are out there, what even exits and all the possibilities that you have.  You could create your own job, be your own boss for all you know.  For him, at least he had the local library.  He picked out his first book on space at the age of 9.  He went on to say that one can't just pick out a book on space and say that is what I will do.  The idea of the library is to provide ideas and tools and stepping stones to get you to where you want to be.  Books, computers, articles, magazines, the library provides you with all the resources to gather information and connect with your community.  For him, he thought what is the closet thing to space for right now, so he got books on planes, flying, wheels, digital media etc.  All the books came in handy because he ended up being a pilot, which led him to being an astronaut.  He ended his speech with: if anyone asks you want you want to be when you grow up, you can say: Let me go to the library and explore all the possibilities and do some research and then I will get back to you!

I looked over at my son, sitting on one of the chairs with a drowsy face.  I don't think he got any of that.  He was so tired.  So, in the meantime of waiting to get our books signed, there were activities that the kids could do until our number was called.

The kids played some computer games.  And Sonja wanted me to carry her, but I refused and she jumped on me and ripped my black shirt exposing my white bra.  She ripped it all down the front just before our number was called.  I was so embarrassed.  I couldn't believe she was that strong.  So, I told her off and my husband was wearing a black shirt over a white one and so he agreed to give me his. I changed in the bathroom, but he had sweat stains under his arms from wearing it all do.  But the alternative was to shake Chris's hand, while my white granny bra is showing.  So, I had no choice.  Thank goodness for my sweaty husband to come along and safe the evening.  Chris was way too busy to notice that I do not believe he even looked long enough at us to notice.  My son was able to muster up half a grin, but he knew he was tired.  Ice cream afterwards cheered us up and put us in a better moor. As for my shirt, that is in the garbage and my husbands shirt went straight into the wash.

Overall, even with two moody children that did not realize the extent of this moment and how exciting this was, once in a lifetime kind of experience, we all had a good time being together.  It gave us a reason to talk about his book: An astronauts guide to earth and space. As my kids get older and more interested in stuff, they will see the book he signed with our names and his and then the moment will hit them, and what a moment it was!!!!

In 10 minutes, I pick my son up from the bus stop and I wonder what stories he will have about his day and if he told anyone about yesterday and what people may have said.  Perhaps, he may have said nothing and that is perfect as well.  But, there will be stories and that is always something I look forward to as a mom and that I can count on!

Friday, May 22, 2015

What to expect when kids get to be school age

I look at my son and remember with fondness, how I used to hold him at night, sing to him until he fell asleep in my arms.  Then, I would gentle put him in his crib and watch him breath.  I remember his dad and I sitting on the floor of our condo with a distance between us as we got our son to practice walking between us at 13 months (mainly because I filmed it and put it on youtube). I remember sitting with him and doing art work, hand prints, stickers, paints, clay etc and reading stories to him.  Oh gosh, the number of books we read to him!!!!! I smile when I think about the times, I went to the shopping mall with him, playdates, the park and how he wanted to push every button we passed to open the doors or in the stores and how he would gladly follow behind me, pointing to everything and always asking why........

Then, something happened, he grew up and at 6 almost 7, he is using words such as "whatever!" and "blah blah blah" and "Okay, fine, do whatever!" when he is asked to do anything, like clean his room or brush his teeth. But, with all these moments where I have to take a deep sigh to keep my head from exploding, I love seeing his independence grow and flourish.  He is doing so well in reading and reads to his little sister, 3 yrs old. He is able to get on the computer on his own to type in the url: www.razkids.com, a reading program. And, we are able to talk to him and reason with him to an extend, sometimes so much so, that we forget that he is only 6 and so we get very angry and talk above his head without understanding he may not see the logic yet.  These things all take time.

Now, that my child is school age, here is a list of all the wonderful things and not so wonderful things to expect:

1.  Following his peers: He will come home and try out new words on us such as the F word and the S word.  He will complain about other kids over trivial things that you think as a parent: Oh really?! Seriously?! This is a huge problem?! The other day my son came home and told me that he and a kid at school were not getting along with another kid because he was a "show off" and that kid then called them a "show off".  We asked him if he knew what a "show off" was or is.  My son did not know and we explained and said their is nothing wrong with being excited about accomplishments but that can also be taken to the extreme. We gave an example that there is nothing wrong to say that we have a trampoline and then invite others over to play on it.  But, there is a difference between that and bragging.  So, it goes to show how guidance is especially needed in grade 1

2.Moodiness: Emotions are extreme.  He will be as happy as can be and playing and singing and jumping around, as busy as a bee.  But, then something, anything could set him off! "you need to come in and eat!" and he will shout and through himself on the floor (maybe) "No, but Why?!!! We just started playing!!!!" Other times, he may come in willingly and drop what he is doing and shrug shoulders and say "fine". Two days ago, he was a monkey in a the play Jumbo.  We went to see him outside.  I video taped all the song parts, but left out the speaking parts.  He was so happy that Grandma and Grandpa and we all came to see him in the play.  However, just before bed, he asked to see the video and I showed him the video I took and he became so angry because I did not film the WHOLE show all at once!  He cried and screamed and yelled.  It could have been an excuse because he did not want to go to bed or he could have been too excited from the day, it was a long day for him.  Either way, frustrated and at our wits end, his dad grabbed him, put him in the bath, put his pj's on him, brushed his teeth and then we threw him in his room and closed the door until he fell asleep.  His sister was already sleeping and his dad and I needed a stiff drink!

3. Phone calls home from the school: Not that he has behaviour problems, but  the school he goes to likes a lot of communication, which I appreciate and I certainly never got that communication when I went to school.  Teacher did not seem to care that much when I was young.  If I was bullied my parents would never know and it would make me tougher, right? If I was hit or hit someone else, my parents were never notified, it would just make us stronger and we would learn to hit back, right? If a boy hit or punched you, it was because he liked you, right? Well, thankfully, my son goes to a good school, where certain actions are not tolerated.  But, I have had phone calls because he did not follow the rules.  I suggested writing notes for him and steps and posting it on his desk as a reminder.  It worked and he has improved. I have had phone calls that he has played on his own at recess because no one would play with him because he loves minecraft and some of the kids don't know minecraft. Yesterday, he was playing soccer and he accidentally got hit in the stomach and got a little winded but he is okay.  Why, I was told that at all, I don't know, but they like to tell me everything. I got a call that he forgot that every Wednesday is gym class after recess and so went to his regular classroom after recess instead of the gym.  Now, it is getting a bit ridiculous right? Why was he by himself at 6? Why did she leave him and not have the class all go together to the gym? Anyway, I was called because he gets distracted easily and he is the last one to get ready when leaving.  Now, I wish I had more positive feedback as well.  The other day, I was told from his teacher when I picked him up from school that he has suddenly improved in his writing and reading and is no longer the last one in class to finish up.  My response to that is he is almost 7.  It is a developmental thing. Be prepared for all the WORRY and COMMUNICATION when your kids get into grade 1 (the real world thus begins).

4. Interests, Activities, Lessons: Parenting gets busier.  Now, instead of calling me mom, I am also known and will respond to chauffeur, chef, guidance counsellor, teacher and "Worst mom EVER" for not letting him play video games or keeping him inside for saying the F word. Oh, you can also call me prison guard or security guard then.
In school, they are introduced to so many things that new interests arise.  I want to encourage that, so plan activities and lessons he can join after school or on week ends to keep him busy and moving.  Movement is soooo important for 6 yr old boys, I find.  Keep them involved and moving, then they stay out of trouble.  I have him in gymnastics, which he loves and after the summer, I will get him into swimming.  But, so far, we have tried dancing, karate, swimming, kindercamps, drama, art and so far gymnastics is the only thing that has stuck.  He has asked me to go back into drama.  But, this is the time and age when the interests will get wider and they will tell you what they would like to take, lessons they want etc.  I say keep them busy to get them to develop a skill, stay out of trouble and make it easier on mom and dad.  My daughter is also in gymnastics and loves it, I am thinking of putting her in art, she loves it, but these may change once she gets to school age or it may not and could be a life long love.

5. Messy!: This is a big one for me! He is so disorganized.  He comes home and his papers are all shuffled in his bag, his duotangs are falling apart around the edges.  I have to flatten out and smooth over important newsletters from the school.  I am yelling a lot "Clean your room!" or "Put that away!" and even if they know that clothes go in the closet, he will still ask "where does this go?" Not to mention, walking in the house with muddy shoes and not thinking, mom just cleaned the floor! I laughed when I saw this being made fun of in Robert Munsch books, but it is true.  It drives you crazy!!!!
Even though his sister is three, she can still pick a fight and they start throwing things at each other.  Other times, they get a long famously and take all the dress up clothes out and then think it is a good idea to go outside in the rain in the back yard, where we have a hill and lots of mud, they play in it in the dress up clothes and then come inside, leaving me with lots of laundry and dirty floors!  When they eat, OMG!!! why can't they eat over their bowl so that rice or whatever does not go all over the table, chairs and floor?! He comes home with a library book, he bends the book while reading and I have to remind him that it has to be returned in the same condition he got it in.  Then, when it is time to return it, he loses it and can't find the book! Be prepared for MESS.  You think infants, babies, toddlers and preschoolers are bad......HA HAHAHAHAHAHA.  Wait until grade school.....Then you will know true mess.  My three yr old helps me in cleaning a lot more than my son.  But she is in the "I do it meself" phase.  How i miss those days with my son. Now, it is an argument.

Sigh....Overall, having a grade schooler is a great joy! I can talk to him and he will understand.  I told him that Chris Hadfield will be at the library on Monday and seeing his face light up with excitement was awesome! He asks higher order thinking questions.  This morning he asked "We are just waking up, but where in the world are people just going to bed?"
He will come home asking about different cultures, God and costumes from around the world.  They notice more detail and there is an innate curiosity to know more.  These are trying and frustrating times for a parent, but these are also good times and educational times.....Can't wait to see what is to come.